
Containers are used in SBTs to visually group related content to help test takers understand the relationships between elements.

Decisions about how to style containers, where to place them, and how many to use depend on context, but container design generally follows a few key principles:

  • A container is typically defined by an outline or fill color.
  • Layering containers on top of each other should be avoided.
  • Container color schemes and styles should remain consistent throughout a task.
  • Container styling can be used to differentiate content types (e.g., containers for stimuli may be styled differently than containers for activities that test takers must complete).

The following examples illustrate a range of possible container styles. In general, more rigid styles are appropriate for content that is the primary focus, and softer styles are appropriate for secondary content.

To view alternative presentations and styling, use the Change Theme and Read Aloud buttons in the upper-right of the screen.