The UX section of the style guide must be viewed in Google Chrome.


eNAEP has a default set of icons that cover most use cases. They are designed to maximize readability through the use of simple shapes and only one or (at most) two colors. The icons are available as an icon font or an SVG symbol library. Unicode character codes for the icon font are shown beneath their respective icons. Multi-color icons are created by layering multiple glyphs from the font.

To align with eNAEP’s base font size (as described on the Typography page), most NAEP icons are designed for display at multiples of 12x12 pixels. There are some exceptions to this rule (ex. 32x32) based on designated minimum optimal display. The section headings below indicate the minimum size at which each corresponding group of icons can be displayed without becoming blurry. An icon can be displayed at a larger size as long as it is a multiple of its designated minimum size.

Custom SBT icons

SBTs sometimes include use cases not covered by the default icon set. Custom icons should match the approach of the default set to ensure a consistent look and feel. (The Noun Project and Font Awesome are good sources for icon ideas.) If a new icon is likely to be used in multiple SBTs, notify the NAEP UX Design Team so that it can be added to the default set.

The following groups of examples display NAEP icons according to their pixel designations.

48x48 Icons

32x32 Icons

24x24 Icons

12x12 Icons

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