The UX section of the style guide must be viewed in Google Chrome.
As a universal design feature, eNAEP offers four zoom levels: 100% (default), 133%, 167%, and 200%.
Test takers may shift between zoom levels by using the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons on the System Toolbar. When at the default zoom level, the Zoom Out button is disabled. When at the maximum zoom level, the Zoom In button is disabled.
The content area (i.e., the area below the system toolbar and the item tabs, if present) zooms isometrically; that is, it zooms as a single unit. At higher zoom levels, scrollbars and the scroll indicator appear based on the conditions described in the Navigation and Indicators pages, respectively.
The following elements do not increase in size at higher zoom levels.
Writing Editor panel divider, editor toolbar, info flags, and dialogs (spell check, spell check options, and thesaurus)
The following demo presents an item with functional zoom buttons, which can be accessed from the system toolbar within the demo.
The demo is 50% of its actual size. To see a full-size demo, click here. To view alternative presentations and styling, use the Change Theme and Read Aloud buttons in the upper-right of the screen.
Test takers may shift between zoom levels by using the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons on the System Toolbar. When at the default zoom level, the Zoom Out button is disabled. When at the maximum zoom level, the Zoom In button is disabled.
The content area (i.e., the area below the system toolbar and the item tabs, if present) zooms isometrically; that is, it zooms as a single unit. At higher zoom levels, scrollbars and the scroll indicator appear based on the conditions described in the Navigation and Indicators pages, respectively.
The following elements do not increase in size at higher zoom levels.
The following demo presents an item with functional zoom buttons, which can be accessed from the system toolbar within the demo.
The demo is 50% of its actual size. To see a full-size demo, click here.To view alternative presentations and styling, use the Change Theme