Graph Transformation
The graph transformation response type allows test takers to respond to an item by translating and/or reflecting a provided function to represent a given context.
Two versions of a provided function appear on a coordinate grid (see the Coordinate Grids page):
- A manipulable version that responds to the translation and reflection controls (see below). This version is the same blue as interactive points and lines (see the Points, Lines, Polygons page), but it is not draggable and does not have the associated states (hover, active, etc.).
- A static version that remains in the original location as a reference. This version is the same gray as pre-populated points and lines (see the Points, Lines, Polygons page).
Test takers can transform the provided function via controls in Control Groups stacked vertically to the right of the coordinate grid.
- The first control group is labeled “Reflect” and contains an Across x-axis and an Across y-axis button. Both buttons have the same style as small primary filled buttons (see the Buttons page).
- The second control group is labeled “Translate” and contains a directional pad (see the Directional Pads page).
Undo and Reset buttons are right-justified beneath the coordinate grid. Both buttons use the small secondary filled button style. (See the Buttons page for more information.)
- The Undo button reverts the last change to the grid.
- The Reset button restores the grid to its initial state.
The following demo presents the graph transformation response type. The demo has limited functionality for the purpose of showing its themes and styles.
To view alternative presentations and styling, use the Change Theme
and Read Aloud
buttons in the upper-right of the screen.