Fraction Model
The fraction model response type allows students to respond to an item by identifying the number of selected and unselected parts needed to represent a fraction.
A title may appear centered above the fraction model. If present, the title is bolded and in all caps.
Fraction models can be presented as either a rectangular grid or a circular set of wedges. The outer border of the model is dark gray #1A1A1A
. The circular variant is shown below.
Note: The following demo presents the fraction model response type as a circular set of wedges. The Undo button does not function as it will during an assessment.
To view alternative presentations and styling, use the Change Theme and Read Aloud
buttons in the upper-right of the screen.
Each unit in the model has the following states.
- Default. The unit has a gray
border. - Hover. Visible when the cursor is over the unit in the default state. Unit background becomes light blue
. Thepointer
cursor is shown. - Selected. Unit background becomes blue
, and unit border becomes dark blue#002040
. Selected unit border color overrides default border color. - Hover selected. Visible when the cursor is over a selected unit. Unit background becomes light blue
, and border color becomes medium blue#596C80
. Thepointer
cursor is shown. - Disabled. Visible when the unit is inactive (e.g., when a modal system tool like Scratchwork is enabled). Unit border becomes dark gray
. If unit is selected, background becomes medium gray#949494
Note: To avoid state confusion, unit hover states do not appear immediately after a test taker has selected or deselected a unit. The test taker must move the cursor off of the unit and then back on for the hover state to appear.
Controls appear centered below the fraction model.
Increment Controls are used to adjust the number of units in the model. Rectangular models have a Columns control followed by a Rows control. Circular models have a single Sections control. The minimum and maximum number of columns, rows, or sections varies depending on the measurement goals of the item.
Undo and Reset buttons are provided beneath the increment control(s). The buttons are full-justified with respect to the increment control(s). Both buttons use the small secondary filled button style. (See the Buttons page for more information.)
- The Undo button reverts the last change to the fraction model.
- The Reset button restores the fraction model to its initial state.
Note: The following demo presents the fraction model response type as a rectangular set of wedges. The Undo button does not function as it will during an assessment.
To view alternative presentations and styling, use the Change Theme
and Read Aloud
buttons in the upper-right of the screen.